History of John Street, Part 1

John Street's history, Part 1, taken from Ardee's Facebook page, by Kevin McKenny. "The ground upon which the monastery was built and on which, as the years passed, the brothers and sisters built dwelling houses, a hospital, church and granary, was the land along the south bank of the river Dee, now Moore Hall, Bridge Street and John, or, more correctly, Saint John Street."

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1837: Ardee by Samual Lewis

Ardee, an incorporated market and post-town, and a parish, in the barony of Ardee, County of Louth, and province of Leinster, 10 miles (SW by W) from Dundalk, and 34 miles N by NW from Dublin; containing 6181 inhabitants, of which number, 3975 are in the town. This place, anciently called Atherdee or Athirdee, derives its name from its situation on the river Dee.

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