Rebellion and the Battle of the Boyne

The Irish army of King James II, after leaving Dundalk, made Ardee their headquarters for a time in 1689, the artillery bastion may have been constructed in anticipation of an encounter with the Williamites. However, on the approach of William’s forces in the autumn before the battle of the Boyne, James II and his army retreated to Drogheda.

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1837: Ardee by Samual Lewis

Ardee, an incorporated market and post-town, and a parish, in the barony of Ardee, County of Louth, and province of Leinster, 10 miles (SW by W) from Dundalk, and 34 miles N by NW from Dublin; containing 6181 inhabitants, of which number, 3975 are in the town. This place, anciently called Atherdee or Athirdee, derives its name from its situation on the river Dee.

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